Coping During Separation and Divorce
There are not many moments we’ll encounter in life than can be more stressful and depressing than going through the breakdown of a romantic relationship. Throw the process of a divorce into the mix and things can become even more confusing and exasperating.
Here are a few top tips to focus on when enduring this stressful period, helping you to cope better throughout the process.
If You Have Children, Put Them First
Separation and divorce are not easy for anyone, but it can be even harder on children and far more confusing for them to fully grasp what’s going on and why. The children need to come first in your decision-making, and it’s also important for both parents to do their best to continue to co-parent the children.
Thinking of your children first can actually help take some of that emotional stress of the relationship breaking down off your shoulders as well, as your emotions are being focused elsewhere rather than inwardly.
Know That Clichés Are Often True
We’ve all heard the well-worn cliché that “time heals all wounds”. The very reason it’s become a cliché is that it’s basically true. No one stays in pain forever over a separation, although at the time it may feel like the hurt will last for eternity. It’s vital to give yourself time to deal with it and keep reminding yourself that those feelings will pass.
Another cliché that we could toss in here as that there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. That’s true as well and a top tip for coping during separation.
Seek Out Support
While you will need time alone to grieve and get through the process, it’s not wise to spend all of your time alone and wallow in self-pity. Hang out with those people who care about you most, and people who can positively lift your spirits and let you know that all is not lost.
Keep Busy and Active
It is important to grieve, but it’s also important not to remain down in those dark depths for long. One of the best ways to overcome negative feelings and emotions is by keeping busy and being physically active. Try and mentally focus on positive tasks, while also indulging in regular exercise. The act of exercising increases those feel-good endorphins, which will help you overcome the stress and depression of separation and divorce more quickly.
Remain Calm Throughout the Process
And also try and put bitterness aside, as that emotion serves no positive purpose. Along with the exercise mentioned above, practice meditation or doing things that naturally calm you down while lifting your mood at the same time.
James Noble Law – We’re Here To help
For more information, please visit the main article source – Coping During Separation and Divorce.
Need Legal Help?
We are not psychologists but we do know family law, therefore we can help relieve much of the stress of separation and divorce by assisting you through the entire legal process when it comes to finalizing a divorce, property settlements, and child custody rights.
If you’re located in Brisbane, talk to us first. Please contact the Brisbane Family lawyers team at James Noble Law today for a FREE, no-obligation 20-minute consultation.
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