Consent Orders can be obtained in a timely and effective manner using a three-step process and without the need to go to Court.
1. Negotiations: Discussions with the other party in order to reach an agreement. This can be done between the parties themselves, or through their respective solicitors.
2. Documentation: You will then need to prepare the necessary documents that must be filed with the Court.
The first document is the Application for Consent Orders which sets out the current details of each party and the children, and a statement of assets, liabilities and superannuation for each party.
The Application for Consent Orders must be accompanied by the Consent Orders (also known as a Minute of Consent) themselves.
The Minute of Consent is a document reflecting the agreement reached and how the parties intend to put the agreement into action.
If parties are seeking parenting orders, an Annexure to Proposed Consent Parenting Order must also be attached, outlining whether there is any risk of family violence to the children.
3. Filing: The final step involves lodging the Application for Consent Orders with supporting documents with the Court for consideration.
Shortly after filing your Application, your matter will be listed for a private Chambers Hearing whereby the Court will consider the proposed Orders.
If the Orders are granted by the Court, the Minute of Order will be sealed with the Court seal.
For more information, please visit our website: Consent Order