Family Mediation is a voluntary process. It can also be ordered by the Family Court when proceedings have been initiated in that Court. The parties can be represented by their legal advisers in this process.
The mediator’s role is to assist communication between the parties so that there can be open discussions to enable negotiations to take place and hopefully a settlement reached.
The mediator’s role is to facilitate open communication so that:
The issues in dispute can be identified;
To enable options to be generated to address those issues; and
To enable an agreement to be reached between the parties to resolve those issues.
The mediator’s role is essentially a neutral one. The mediator will not take sides. The mediator works with both parties to help them to negotiate their own decisions.
Mediation assists to help the parties identify important issues that relate to their assets, finances, and/or the care arrangements for their children.
Family Mediation is readily accessible. It can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
Mediation is a popular form of alternative dispute resolution.
Article Source: Family Mediation