jnflbrisbaneJan 315 min readIndependent Legal Advice in relation to Financial AgreementsThe relevant principles applying to financial agreements to determine the provision of independent legal advice to achieve compliance...
jnflbrisbaneJan 294 min readRectification of A Binding Financial AgreementThe concept of rectification in the context of binding financial agreement is a significant facet of family law. It serves as a legal...
jnflbrisbaneMar 8, 20213 min readBinding Financial Agreement: Are they worth the paper they are written on?Are binding financial agreements help to improve Relations between two Parties in Australia? The answer is yes! Well if they are done...
jnflbrisbaneMar 6, 20213 min readWhy do You need To Care About Family Law Binding Financial Agreements?Binding Financial Agreement & Provisions of Family Law Act While binding financial agreement, Parties may wish to determine the ownership...
jnflbrisbaneMar 5, 20213 min readWhat's the Binding Financial Agreements and Prenuptial Agreement Australia?Understanding Prenuptial Agreement Australia and Binding Financial Agreements Prenuptial Agreement Australia (otherwise known as Binding...
jnflbrisbaneJan 23, 20212 min readHow To create a Airtight Binding Financial Agreements? How Tight Is An Airtight BFA?Preparing an Airtight Binding Financial Agreements Binding Financial Agreements (BFA), also referred to as “pre-nups” are created when...